We’re in our new I Speak Jesus series, and it was so powerful as a church to sing out those lyrics from the song I Speak Jesus over our congregation and community:

“I just wanna speak the name of Jesus over every heart and every mind, cause I know there is peace within Your presence, I speak Jesus.”

  • Where are you needing Jesus right now?

  • Who do you know who is needing Him too?

  • What might shift as you speak His name in your thoughts? In your words? In a breath as you go throughout your day?

Watch Sunday’s Introductory Sermon to our I Speak Jesus series

In our staff meeting this week, we lingered together in our sermon passage, Hebrews 10:12-22, soaking in the realness of Jesus, in His finished work for us, in His cleansing of us, in our belonging to Him. 

We leaned into SEEING Jesus and received together. 

There was a calmness in the room, a holy hush. 

As we reflected, words came out like…humbled, washed, welcomed, assured, and purified…

Then, we walked around our church and spoke Jesus’ name, praying for His power and presence to move into specific places of ministry.

For us, too, as we glimpse Jesus afresh, SEEING Him as He is, out of that encounter we can SPEAK Jesus, and carry that Presence into prayers and into our everyday routines.

Many times we don’t know what to pray, and that’s okay!

The Bible literally says, “We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words,” (Romans 8:26-27).

God already made provision for that in Jesus and gave us His Presence in the Holy Spirit, to SEE Jesus and experience Him alive in us

And SPEAKING Jesus makes His work alive through us.

When we don’t have words (Romans 8:23-24), when we don’t know what’s coming against us…

We can, at the least, confidently know one thing the Holy Spirit is saying, He is Speaking Jesus. 

And as we Speak Jesus, we agree with the Holy Spirit, we align our hearts and minds with God, and we stand in our relationship with Him. 

Through the weeks ahead, we’ll SEE Jesus as we study Gethsemane, the Betrayal, the Triumphal Entry & the Trials on Palm Sunday, Good Friday (March 29th at 5pm), and, of course, the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. 

I am expectant that as we SEE Jesus, our hearts will overflow in SPEAKING JESUS as well!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Dave


Jesus Hurt


Open Our Eyes, Lord